March 24, 2021

If we know anything for sure, it’s that everyone at some point has felt the midday slump. You know the one that comes in like a lightning bolt and zaps every bit of energy you had and leaves you begging to call it a day. This is bad news if there is still productive work to be done.

The problem is we tend to overfill our plate, neglect sleep, over stress, and over caffeinate – not a good approach if you’re looking for consistency and energy in your life. 

Here are five ways to get over the midday coma, regain your energy, and make after 2pm more productive. 


It can be easy for you to wake up and undo the groggy vibe with an extra cup of coffee, or swing by the gas station for an energy drink. Do yourself a big favor and cut back the caffeine to avoid crashing later in the day. Yeah, it might take a little bit of time to get used to it while your body readjusts. But over time your body will adapt and start using sustainable energy sources.

 Pro Tip: Replace your afternoon coffee or energy drink with a superman. A superman is a combination of our Hydrate & Recover + Energy & Focus. Besides a good tasting and refreshing drink, it will boost your hydration as well as provide a crash free afternoon pick-me-up. 


If you work a busy 9-5, it may be difficult for you to get snacks through the workday. You may also be more likely to eat a bigger meal for lunch. Give yourself some nutritional balance and make sure to fill up on protein, not just carbs. You should also keep a well-balanced protein shake on hand and use that to boost your afternoon energy. 

Pro Tip: 1 scoop of Meal Replacement with one scoop of Energy & Focus. It’s an energetic combo that will keep my energy up and allow me to go right to get right back to work without feeling hangry. 


If you’re already feeling the after lunch “don’t want to’s” you are way more likely to open up your phone or a new browser on your computer and get lost in the screen. Cut the mid-day scroll by setting a mental limit and avoiding all social media, games, or nonwork/ productive apps in the afternoon (until after work would be ideal). If there’s something you have to do online, set yourself up for success, and set a timer. 

Pro Tip: You are way more susceptible to being distracted if your blood sugar is low, so add in the shake above with this tip and up your chances of keeping your brain in the right place.



If you are working off of a “to-do list,” which we can’t recommend enough, it can be easy to fall into the habit of getting the easy things done and then spending the rest of the day dreading the big stuff. Try flipping it around and getting the more taxing or mental tasks done first and saving the smaller, more manageable list for the afternoon. 

Pro Tip: After you write your list, prioritize them. Next to each one, write a number and order them. After you finish one thing, you will know what needs your attention next.



If you find yourself ready to just lay down or feel like you are dead to the world, you could just be down regulating into preservation mode – a slowed metabolism can make you sleepy. Get your heart rate up and increase your energy. If you can go for a walk, outdoor is best but in the office or stairway works too. You can also throw in some squats, push-ups, lunges, or tricep dips from your workspace. 

Pro Tip: Get your co-workers involved. If you’re already tired, then making yourself move is hard. Make an accountability pack with others on the job site and set a daily work challenge.

For example, every morning, you can start a work challenge of 100 bodyweight squats, or 100 wall push-ups before the workday is over. Heck, you can make it more fun by turning it into a competition or go in on a reward for the most consistent for the month – get creative!

All in all, these habits can give you a significant boost in energy, help you increase your productivity, and keep you from being easily distractible. Put them all together and use your increased focus for good things.

Speaking of, don’t forget the Energy & Focus / Meal Replacementconcoction. It’s an afternoon slump killer. If you really need a kick in the drawers, Edge has your back too.