May 18, 2022

Master the boring!

Formula for Success = Actions x Consistency x Time    Understand this is the  process on how to become a Champion in your life!

Champions are made through boredom.  Champions are made through routine.  Consistency is what makes a Champion. 

Do you have a personal Mantra?  A personal Mantra is what defines you.  It’s what you live by every day.  Here is an example of a personal Mantra:  

Be 212ºF– the Extra Degree.

At 211ºF degrees, water is hot

At 212ºF degrees water boils.  And with boiling water comes steam. 

And with steam you can power a locomotive.  One extra degree makes all the difference. 

That one extra degree means a lot of things.  It means giving that 1 extra degree with family, friends, co-workers, nutrition, exercise, recovery, and sleep. What does it mean to you?

The Power of Extra Effort and Care.  Think about these 4 acts you can do to Be 212ºF. 

  • 2 Extra acts of kindness weekly
    • Plants more than 100 seeds of generosity each year
  • 15 extra minutes a day
    • Creates over 90 hours a year for what’s most important to you
  • 1 extra contact daily
    • Sparks more than 180 personal connections every 6 months
  • 2 extra risks taken each week
    • Leads to over 100 opportunities yearly for excitement and possibility

    So why wouldn’t you want to Be 212?  Why wouldn’t you want to Give that Extra Degree each day? 

    So how does that all work out if you give that extra degree?  Sometimes life isn’t going your way.  Sometimes you need to go beyond, reach outside your comfort zone, and do things that scare you a bit. 

    MYM Action Step:

    Where can you Be 212 this week? Where can you give that 1 extra degree!  Be 212!  GET IT DONE TODAY and start to live at 212!